Nicaragua La Bastilla Anaerobic

Nicaragua La Bastilla Anaerobic


During harvest pickers targeted red, ripe cherries bursting with fruit sugar for this lot. Later on, when the coffee was placed in steel tanks and the oxygen was removed, the high sugar content would serve as fuel for the anaerobic process.

During the anaerobic process constant monitoring of heat and pH levels is key. Careful attention is given to ensure strong results. In the case of this Anaerobic coffee, we have bright, clean cup full of fresh tropical fruit flavors, plenty of dried fruit sugar and delicate floral notes.

Origin: Jinotega, Nicaragua

Producer: La Bastilla Coffee Estates

Processing: Anaerobic Fermentation

Notes: We taste tropical lychee, white grape and honey

Variety: Caturra, Red + Yellow, Catuai, Parainema, Java, SL28, Gesha

Altitude: 1300-1500 masl

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